Terms of Use

Find out more about the terms of use for the ah-Story Telling.com creative writing website. To make it a bit easier to digest our terms of use, we thought we would highlight in plain English some of the issues someone might encounter. This summary is not a legal document. You should read the terms of use carefully and fully understand its importance.


You must be at least 12 years old in order to participate on any ah-Story Telling.com webpage without a parent or guardian’s permission.
ah-Story Telling.com expects you to keep the rules and regulations in strict adherence. There should be no violations of these terms. You cannot use storytelling to steal any ideas or post anyone else’s ideas. You can however use a person’s ideas of that knowledge and understanding.

Anyone posting any materials on ah-Story Telling.com will have the understanding that such materials will be open to the general public and is subject to disclosure. Any materials being disclosed are not the responsibility of ah-Story Telling.com.

Finally, you should not use ah-Story Telling.com if you do not agree with any terms, any instructions, any procedures, or guidelines pertaining to the ah-Story Telling.com webpage. Terms of use can also be released to the general public at www.ind.unl.pro.org.

Contact us to find out more about the terms of use for our creative writing site.